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Granagard administration prolongs the survival of human mesenchymal stem cells transplanted into a mouse model of multiple sclerosis.
Frid K, Usmann A, Markovits-Pachter T, Binyamin O, Petrou P,
Kassis I, Karussis D, Gabizon R.
J Neuroimmunol. 2024 Apr 15;389:578313. doi: 10.1016/j.jneuroim.2024.578313.
Epub 2024 Feb 14.
Launch of NanoGard Omega 3 Development and Marketing.
Launch of GranaGard Omega 3 drops, Development and Marketing.
Nano-PSO Administration Attenuates Cognitive and Neuronal Deficits Resulting from Traumatic Brain Injury.
Qubty D, Frid K, Har-Even M, Rubovitch V, Gabizon R, Pick CG.
Molecules. 2022 Apr 23;27(9):2725. doi: 10.3390/molecules27092725.
Comparing anti–aging hallmark activities of Metformin and Nano-PSO in a mouse model of genetic Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease.
Binyamin O, Frid K, Keller G, Saada, Gabizon R.
Neurobiol Aging. 2022 Feb;110:77-87. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2021.11.001.
Epub 2021 Nov 11.
The effect of GranaGard on cognitive indices in MS patients
Beneficial effects of a nano formulation of pomegranate seed oil, Granagard®, on the cognitive function in multiple sclerosis patients.
P. Petrou MD, A. Ginzberg PhD., O. Binyamin PhD. and D. Karussis MD, PhD.
Click here to read the scientific article
Research Details – The Ministry of Health’s Clinical Research Website
Presented at a conference of the Israeli Association of Neurology. December 2019
Also presented at the Greek Neuroimmunological Conference, December 2019
Punica granatum L.-derived omega-5 nanoemulsion improves hepatic steatosis in mice fed a high fat diet by increasing fatty acid utilization in hepatocytes
K. Zamora-López, L. G. Noriega, A. Estanes-Hernández, I. Escalona-Nández, S. Tobón-Cornejo, A. R. Tovar, V. Barbero-Becerra & C. Pérez-Monter
Delay of gCJD aggravation in sick TgMHu2ME199K mice by combining NPC transplantation and Nano-PSO administration.
Neurobiol Aging. 2020 Aug 6;95:231-239. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2020.07.030. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32861834.
Frid K, Binyamin O, Usman A, Gabizon R.
Brain targeting of 9c,11t-Conjugated Linoleic Acid, a natural calpain inhibitor, preserves memory and reduces Aβ and P25 accumulation in 5XFAD mice.
Sci Rep. 2019 Dec 5;9(1):18437. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-54971-9. Erratum in: Sci Rep. 2020 Jan 23;10(1):1320. PMID: 31804596; PMCID: PMC6895090.
Binyamin O, Nitzan K, Frid K, Ungar Y, Rosenmann H, Gabizon R.
Mitochondrial dysfunction in preclinical genetic prion disease: A target for preventive treatment?
Neurobiol Dis. 2019 Apr;124:57-66. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2018.11.003. Epub 2018 Nov 10. PMID: 30423473.
Keller G, Binyamin O, Frid K, Saada A, Gabizon R
Thanks to the unique development based on the most advanced “nanotechnology” in the world today, GranaGard will be granted a European patent.
Thanks to the unique development based on the most advanced “nanotechnology” in the world today, GranaGard has been granted a U.S. patent.
Continues administration of Nano-PSO significantly increased survival of genetic CJD mice.
Neurobiol Dis. 2017 Dec;108:140-147. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2017.08.012. Epub 2017 Aug 25. PMID: 28847567.
Binyamin O, Keller G, Frid K, Larush L, Magdassi S, Gabizon R.
The world’s only dietary supplement containing Nano-Omega 5 antioxidant from a natural source.
Treatment of a multiple sclerosis animal model by a novel nanodrop formulation of a natural antioxidant.
International Journal of Nanomedicine. 2015:10. 7165—7174. 10.2147/IJN.S92704.
Binyamin, Orli & Larush, Liraz & Arush, & Frid, Kati & Keller, Guy & Friedman-Levi, Yael & Ovadia, Haim & Abramsky, Oded & Magdass, Shlomo & Gabizon, Ruth. (2015).
Pomegranate seed oil nanoemulsions for the prevention and treatment of neurodegenerative diseases: the case of genetic CJD.
Nanomedicine. 2014 Aug;10(6):1353-63. doi: 10.1016/j.nano.2014.03.015. Epub 2014 Apr 2. PMID: 24704590.
Mizrahi M, Friedman-Levi Y, Larush L, Frid K, Binyamin O, Dori D, Fainstein N, Ovadia H, Ben-Hur T, Magdassi S, Gabizon R.
GRANALIX is a biotechnology start-up company, founded by Professor Ruth Gabizon – senior researcher from the Department of Neurology at Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem – together with Professor Shlomo Magdassi, an international expert in the field of Nanotechnology from the Casali Center, Institute of Chemistry, at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.